Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Speech bubbles

It's my last week of maternity leave and I'm trying to tidy up things, finish projects and work on things for Ronin's birthday party- including a superhero photo prop where the kids stck their heads in the hole to pretend to be a super hero...  I put a "speech bubble" above the head that says "Happy 4th Birthday Ronin!"  Ronin asked me about it so I explained what the bubble was...  when I was putting him down for nap- I said something to him and he looked above my head- I asked what he was looking at and he said "I'm looking for a speech bubble..."  Smart alec!!  haha

Quinn started laughing outloud this week, it's so cute, he just melts my heart when he smiles or laughs. 

Ronin and Quinn will now be watched by Rory's cousin, Angela.  It will be so nice to have the boys at home and not have to wake them, dress, and feed them before I go to work every morning.  Ang brought Ronin some 3-D chalk the other day - we had fun coloring his wall with it---

He drew a hot air balloon (behind his head).

That's about it this week.  I will miss my boys next week, but feel a little relieved knowing they are at home and I know Angela will have fun with them. 

Lots of Love,

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