Thursday, January 19, 2012


Last weekend we got to visit Nana and Papa in Goldendale.  Ronin loves the new puppy, Bella, and loves chasing the other dogs too.  He told nana to garage sale the rest of the dogs so Sammy the "angry" dog won't be so angry anymore.  haha!

Ronin and Bella

Ronin making hand and feet prints in the dusting of snow

Tuesday we meet up with Sean and Madeline at JJ Jump to jump on all the bounce houses and slides.  That night we got a bunch of snow so had to hurry and get dressed before the rain melted it.  Ronin was soooo excited :)  We got the last sled at Walmart - lucky! 

The snowman

Rory took him sledding nearby

Hooray for snow!

My smiling boy :)

Ronin and Sean- BFF's :)


So this weekend is Ronin's first sleepover!  Sean will be over Saturday night and has already requested chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.  haha!  Ronin is really excited- I just hope it goes smoother than the last time we tried it!  I'll try not to make Sean cry this time.  ;)   We are also trying to build on a spare room with the back part of the garage so we'll have a guitar/craft/guest room again...  fun fun!

lots of love,

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