Monday, January 2, 2012

Ronin Goes International

So Ronin picked up a new word and has used it a couple of times as an adjective...  "International".  He told me something was too international for him.  haha!  I'm not sure what word he was trying to say, but we found it pretty hilarious and now Rory and I have been saying it around the house to describe things too!

Ronin has had an imaginary friend since his Daycare days...  That friends name is Day-Day, and he still talks about him.  It's pretty cute and it took me the longest time to figure out that it's not a real kid.  Day-Day doesn't do much besides share Ronins opinions and desires to play certain games, he rides in the car with us sometimes too.

For Christmas we got Ronin a beautifully illustrated and written childrens book called The Man in the Moon.  It mentions the Sandman and Ronin had never heard of him, so I explained that he sprinkles sand in your eyes to make you sleepy.  I think he might be a little freaked out by this, because he keeps talking about the Sandman now... and now that I think about it it is kind of creepy...

We went to Rory's cousin, Angela's house on Friday.  She did a portrait of me pregnant with Ronin.  It turned out amazing!  I love it so much.  Ronin keeps telling me that it doesn't look like me.  haha!  I keep trying to tell him it's not a photograph so it shouldn't look just like me. 

"Two Hearts"

While we were there Ronin got to pet Angie's pet pig, Piggie Sue-ella.  She was so cute!


Quinn is starting to sleep for 5 hour stretches at night now, thank goodness.  He's smiling a ton and talking a bit now too. 

Potty like a Rockstar

Quinn video

On New Years Eve we went to Rory's work to help Jan entertain the residents for a couple of hours.  We came home and were in bed by 11 :)

New Years Eve :)

Yay :)

"Happy New What??"

Rory's head got cut off... maybe I shouldn't ask someone in a wheelchair to take our picture?

All day Sunday Rory and Ronin created a squirrel trap out of my Magic Bullet box I was about to recycle...  They used rubberbands to snap the door shut, and fishing line to pull to shut the door... but that wasn't enough- they hooked up an infrared video camera to watch while waiting inside the house watching it on our t.v....  needless to say after many hours of setting it up and watching and waiting- no living creature came to munch on the stash of peanuts...  it was a valiant effort to say the least.

The squirrel trap

Now it's 2012 and I return to work on February 7th...  Time has flown by and I will be sad to go back.

I hope everyone has a great new year!


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