Thursday, January 12, 2012

Doctor Coconut

Ronin has decided to rename his brother "Dr. Coconut" after watching an episode of his cartoon Phineas & Ferb.  Quinn seems to like his new monicker because he smiles big when we call him Dr. Coconut.

It's been a trying week because Ronin has really been testing us and acting out a lot.  I feel bad that he doesn't get as much attention as he used to, but I'm sure it's something all first borns go through with new siblings.  The other night after many bedtime stories from both Rory and I, Ronin yelled from his room that he wanted more stories.  We just ignored him as he screamed it over and over... until he finally stopped telling us he wanted more stories and instead yelled "All right Daddy- If you don't read me more stories the NO MORE FAMILY! I mean it Daddy- No More Family!"  After hearing how serious his threat was we both started busting up laughing!  After a few seconds of that Ronin yelled "Mommy- you need to stop laughing!!!"   He finally fell asleep but I'm sure he was thinking of a way to follow through on his threat first.

Quinn seems to be getting more of a personality now.  He always smiles so big when I change his diaper, even when I wipe him with a cold baby wipe.  Such a happy boy!  He just went in for his 2 month check up- he weighs 13 lbs 11 oz now, 90th percentile for weight.  70th percentile for height.  He got 3 shots too, poor guy, he was really fussy for the rest of that day and the next.

Diaper change time!

Ronin helping me paint the living room.

Only a couple more weeks left until work...  ugh :(

Lots of love,

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