Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sleepover Success!

This last weekend we watched Sean for the night while Mike & Shelley got to go to Mike's work party.  Ronin was so excited to have a sleepover and Sean was really well-behaved.  They stayed awake chattering forever!  I think they finally crashed around 10pm, and around midnight I heard Sean trying to wake Ronin "Ronin.... Ronin Jones!"  Rory went in to check on him.  He just missed his mommy and Ronin was passed out and not waking up for him.  I went in there after Rory, gave him a hug and let him watch Star Wars on the portable DVD player until he fell asleep... which he did eventually until they both woke at 8am.  They wanted chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, but all I had were butterscotch chips, they loved them with a side of marshmellows :)

Brushing their teeth...

Watching movies before bed

We've been busy repainting, re-finishing, and remodeling this last week...  the living room has a new paint job, the walls under the cabinets in the kitchen got a new paint job, the cabinets are still under-going re-finishing to a darker "cherry" stain...  and we walled off the laundry room from the garage and it now has a door to the back room...  lots of work!

Quinn has been sleeping shorter periods of time at night for a while, but the last 2 nights he's been sleeping his normal 5 hour stretch again.  I'm sure it was a growth spurt!  I also kind of think he could be teething... he's always got to have something in his mouth and gets really fussy for no reason for a few minutes each day...  I can't wait until he starts sitting up and being  more active :)

Quinn in his johnny jump up

Ronin's swim buddies- Caden and Peyton

Where did my 8 hours of sleep at night go?  and my freedom to get up and pee whenever I want?  I will be happy when they return!!

lots of love,

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