Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Shaving

Before Christmas weekend Ronin would take down one Christmas link from his chain and get excited over how many days were left. I had to video tape him -it's so cute!

And here is Quinn bouncing and smiling.  6 Weeks old here:

And one more Ronin video...  He was being naughty so we said he couldn't have any more bubblegum and sent him to his room...  where I soon heard his sad-sad song coming from:

Thank goodness Christmas is over with!  Now to deal with the mountain of recycling left from so many boxes, bags and wrapping paper...  and organize all the piles of goodies into organized clutter-free places...

We had a great holiday, lots of great family and friends to share with.  Ronin got way too much, as usual.  He's not really sure what to do with himself yet.  Santa got him a "shaving kit" and he has been going to the bathroom to shave every couple of hours.  It's really cute and he makes us smell his cheeks when he's done.

Some serious shaving... 

Ronin in his new monster blanket.

Quinn's new Jump-up toy

Ronin's exercise bike/game

 Bring on the new year!  Now I get to plan Ronin's super hero birthday party!  We are thinking about making him a fort with a slide and swings for his birthday :)  He would love it!

Happy New Years,

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