Friday, October 7, 2011

We miss you Lucy!

September went out in a horrible way...  When we were settling down on the couch last Friday night, Lucy, our 2 year old black lab came in the living room to be with us and we noticed her left eye was bulging and she was in a lot of pain.  Rory took her to the ER Vet where they discovered all of her lymph-nodes were incredibly swollen.  Which meant the antibiotics she's been on since about March had stopped working and whatever infection she's been fighting off for so long had finally won it's battle.  All fingers point towards cancer, in which case there was nothing to do.  We've been on every other antibiotic so we know it was more than an infection.  Rory made the right decision in letting her go peacefully since she was in so much pain and the prognoses didn't look good even if we could pinpoint the exact cause.  So at about 11pm that night Lucy went peacefully into the night. 

Ronin kept asking when she's coming home...  we'd tell him she's in heaven and won't be coming home and his reply was always "But I miss her really, really bad".  Poor guy.  I know he won't remember much of this when he gets older, but right now it's heartbreaking to see him miss his dog so much.  

Just today Ronin said "aw, I bet Kiera and Ringo miss Lucy, she was their best friend".  I said Yes, I bet they do, but she was your best friend too.  He said "yeah...  maybe we can get a new Lucy!".  I laughed and said we can't replace Lucy.  So he decided his stuffed animal that looks just like her will work just fine.  He also asked us this morning where Lucy's going to poop in heaven.  Rory said she won't need to poop, and Ronin said "what IF she does?" so they decided she'd poop in a golden bowl.

More memories from Lucy & Ronin this year...

Silly pals :) January 2011

Staring at each other on the floor - January 2011

Taking Lucy for a walk at the park -January 2011

Reading "Ducky Dives In" to Lucy -February 2011

Rest in Peace Lucy Lou - we love you so much and miss you more than anything!

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