Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween time, let's dig up dead people!

Let's start out with some Ronin-isms:

"Do you have anything to talk about Ronin?" on the way home from babysitters house.  His response:  "My body isn't full of questions yet, wait until it is."

Me: "Ew... creepy cemetery!" driving by one one evening. 
Ronin: "What's a cemetery?" 
Me: "It's where they bury dead people" 
Ronin: "Let's stop and dig them up, I want to see what dead people look like!"

Tuesday was my baby shower at work...  Got lots of cute clothes and a gift card for Target!  Which I promptly went out and spent on lots of organizing things, Desitin, and a booster seat for Ronin.  The cake was super cute- another owl theme!  The ladies all went in on a Mexican style buffet.  I'm so lucky to have such a great "family" at work :) 

The cake

Special candy bars w/owls that say "Look whoooo's having a baby"

The food!


Thursday was our doctor appointment, everything is looking good, he's measuring a little big- go figure!  We are 2cm dialated and 50% effaced, which sounds exciting but I could stay that way for days or weeks without ever moving forward.  BUT she did strip my membranes while she was in there (pulls everything from the walls to get labor moving)- which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.  I guess we'll find out!

Ronin's babysitter took some "school" pictures last week, they turned out soooo cute!

Book smarts

Apples and smiles!

This could be his sophisticated look... haha

Rory won tickets to a fundraising dinner in Portland last Saturday.  Ronin spent the night at Grandma/pa's house while we went to it.  It was a masquerade so we got to make our own masks, Rory of course altered his to look like Elvis.  When I was saying goodbye to Ronin he asked what was on my lips, I said "lipstick" and he said "I'll kiss you goodbye, but don't kiss me, I don't want that on my body." haha!  We had a good time playing black jack and eating free food, but the head-person of the cause, which was for a refuge for tigers/lions/big cats, was a complete weirdo so we left early. We called Ronin before bedtime to say goodnight and the first thing he asked me was if I still had lipstick on.  hehe, I must have freaked him out with dark red lips!

Ronin had a birthday party on Sunday at the Children's Art Museum... which is now on my list of places to never visit again... at least on a weekend day.  It was so crazy-busy with booger-pickers and screaming children I wanted to crawl into a corner and cover my ears while rocking back and forth in the fetal position... Of course we made it out alive and he had a blast... but still...  argh!!
Ronin with the birthday boy- Caden, and his other friend Peyton

Ronin had a blast trick-or-treating!  he was so good about saying it and then thanking people after he got candy.  We just hit up one block and his bucket is FULL!  He kept saying how happy he was that it was Halloween and that he got to trick or treat :)  He did get tired of wearing his mask and cape towards the end though...

I told him tonight that our next holiday is Thanksgiving, when we get to eat turkey and be thankful.  I said I am thankful for having such a good boy as my son.  He said "I'm thankful for you and daddy because I love you guys so much".   He makes my heart melt :)

Now we are on to November!  Guess Quinn will be a November babe after all!

Lots of love,

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