Monday, October 17, 2011

Grimm "Raper" and Bee's

What a busy week!  On Wednesday Ronins babysitter called to tell me Ronin has been having accidents all day so she was afraid he was sick… but it turned out that she had a “Grimm Reaper” decoration on the window that literally scared the pee out of him, so he refused to use the bathroom and couldn’t hold it any longer.  When she figured it out she felt pretty bad and took the reaper down… and now Ronin and Sean have been referring to it as the “Grimm Raper”. Haha  

Ronin got his first bee sting last week too.  He fell and bumped his head on a bush that was hiding a yellow-jacket nest.  He got stung once on his head and once on his leg.  Poor guy!  Shelley had her husband spray the nest, but he got stung 9 times that day before he gave up only to finish the job the next day.  Yuck!

Saturday was our baby shower for Quinn.  Ronin was so excited to open his baby brothers gifts he kept asking all week if we could get ready for the baby shower and when does he get to open gifts.  He was a big help for about half of the gifts, ripping through them as quickly as possible and stating that “yay I don’t have to share my toys/blankets now”.  haha!  We got so many great baby gifts and had a good time with friends and family.  We are so appreciative to have such great people in our lives!  Quinn will be well clothed and very warm when he decides to make his entrance!  Thank you everyone for putting it together and for all your gifts!

The cake - my friend Byrekka decorated it.

Ronin helped unwrap

The Grandma's

The Gregg side of the family (Me, mom, Heidi, Jackie, Tammie, Amber)

The big brother & mommy :)

On Sunday we went to Bi-Zi pumpkin patch to celebrate Madeline’s 3rd birthday and to get our pumpkins.  It was really crowded and the lines were horrendous!  But we managed to feed some goats, pet some pigs, climb the hay pyramid, get some apple cider and get 3 big pumpkins! 

We are down to every-week doctor appointments starting next Thursday!  The little guy will be here before we know it!   I have one more baby shower to get through at work and then we just get to wait.  I'm totally nervous about going to the hospital... with Ronin I really thought he'd be late so I didn't ever get to the point of anticipation...  But now I know I could pretty much go any time and there's only one way out... and it requires a lot of needles and work!  Too late to change my mind now I guess ;)

Possibly our last 3-some family picture before Quinn arrives!

Lots of love,

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