Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October is here!

So now October is here, and baby Quinn is getting ready to come into the world, so hopefully things will look up again.  I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore.  I can't sleep even though I'm exhausted by the end of the day.  If it's not leg cramps, it's restless legs or my ribs or hips hurt, my belly button hurts, or I wake up with acid reflux coming up my throat...  I can't wait to sleep on my stomach and back again! 

Rory's been busy putting new laminate flooring in Quinn's room last week, it looks so great!  Now we just need the new occupants approval ;)

Quinns room w/new flooring!

Ronin got to go a pumpkin patch with his buddies and Shelley last week, she took some great pictures while they were there.  How cute and innocent does he look here?! haha 

A couple weeks ago on the way to the babysitter I pointed out the hospital again and told Ronin that his baby brother might come in the middle of the night and we'll have to wake him up to get in the car and go to the hospital.  I told him he can nap there until one of the grandparents gets there and then I asked him what kind of snack he'd like me to pack so we don't forget to feed him.  He said "carrots, oatmeal, and graham crackers".   I was so proud that he said carrots! and oatmeal is a great choice too!  I was really expecting to hear gummy worms or suckers...

We made a Frankenstien halloween bucket for all of his yummy candy he'll be getting.  It's a milk jug with paper mache over it - it turned out pretty cute!

Last Saturday we made a trip to Long Beach to use Rory's metal detector.  Ronin had a blast even though all they found was a quarter and a metal firework stick. haha  We also hit up the candy store to get lots of salt water taffy. yummm...

Ronin got to drive on the beach

The closest we got to a family picture that day ;)

Ronin the photographer at work...

Last night was a tough one with Ronin.  He has a big stuffed black dog that we always thought looked like Lucy.  The night before he told Rory that the reason he holds onto it so tight is because he misses Lucy.  And Last night he told me the same thing, but then said that Daddy should have never taken Lucy to that place (the Vet).  I explained that sometimes when people and pets are really, really sick they can't get better...  he said that Lucy just needed a nap.  We cried together a little bit and I said I would bring her back to him if I could... but I can't, and that it's nobody's fault.  He said it's daddy's fault, and his fault, and my fault.  I told him that she's always with him in his heart and he said OK.  Poor guy... he just wants his doggy back.  So sad.  I wish there was something more we could have done... 

On another note... We have a prenatal doctor apt on Thursday for our 36 week checkup.  She'll let me know if we are dialated or effaced at that time... which means nothing to me because when I was pregnant with Ronin we had a checkup 24 hours before he was born and I wasn't dialated or effaced at all and told he'll be late...   Ha!   Quinn will be here soon though... we are all anxious to meet him!

Lots of love,

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