Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Luckiest Boy in the World

This last week we have been busy moving things out of Ronins room to put laminate flooring down... so his bed was in our bedroom for a few days and of course he loved that.  When daddy was ordering padding off of he accidentally ordered 3 moons... woops, I shouldn't leave things in "shopping carts" when I'm browing ;)  Although we didn't need 3 moons, we laughed since it was a very random mistake... and we kept one for Ronin's room since we are doing a "space" theme.  It's a light up, realistic moon with a remote control...  Ronin told me he's the "luckiest boy in the world" because he has a light up moon.  So sweet! 

Wednesday at Ronins swim class he dove for toys in the pool!  He was the only one in his class that got the ribbon that says "I got the rings from the bottom of the pool!"  his friends got the "I had a good torpedo" ribbon.  Ronin was so excited and proud of himself, he had to call daddy right away to tell him about his ribbon.  He even slept with it.

Our ultrasound on Friday went really well, the tech says the kidneys look fine now, although I have to wait for the official "okay" from the doctor.  And he's measuring exactly on date for his due date.  He's got a cute little profile and she said lots of hair too!
Quinn's profile -- the "smoke ring" looking thing is the umbillical cord.

Quinn's face, tilt your head to the right and you'll see...

Ronin asked me the other morning why his baby brother won't be able to walk when he's born.  Seems like a simple enough question... but I didn't have a great answer!  I just said because he's got to get bigger and build muscles first.  And he asked if I'll be able to pick up his baby brother and carry him.  I think he asked this because I tell him he's too heavy for me to pick up right now, so he's concerned about his baby brother.  I said after his brother comes I should be able to pick them both up with no problem.   He is still a bit confused as to why his baby brother can't have grapejuice or "food"... so I tried to explain that he'll get all his vitamins from milk for a while and doesn't need grapejuice or other foods...   Lots of questions from the big brother! :)

We finally got the laminate flooring done last night (Tuesday) in Ronins room -- it looks amazing!  I told Ronin that his friends will love to come play on his new floor with his toys and he said "Yeah, and I'll tell them my daddy worked really hard on it!"   What a sweetheart :)   Last night he also asked why I had two shirts on, so I explained that I "layered" my shirts, and he wanted to know what "layering" meant, so I told him - and he said "The next time I go to McDonalds, I'm going to layer lots of clothes on me and the kids there will say 'that boy is chubby!'"  haha  He cracks me up!

His new flooring :) 
He wanted the big box in the picture for some reason... (the lens is really dirty- so ignore the spots) We still need to paint a space mural on the blue wall, stay tuned for that project ;)

He put the face pieces on his monster and taped him to the front door. 
He's very excited to start decorating for Halloween... I told him we had to wait until this weekend though!

This morning we saw a fire truck and several police cars at a gas station we always pass, and we were discussing what was going on there.  He said it was probably a bully.  I said maybe, but fire trucks usually don't show up for bully's since they don't have guns.  His response was "yeah, but a bully probably doesn't want to get sprayed with water either!"   He had a point!  :)  Smarty!

My BIG 34 week belly--- ouch!
Lots of love,

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