Monday, October 24, 2011

Bowling for Babies

Last week we didn't really do a lot...  besides trying to take it easy and relax for once.   Ronin went to his friend Sean's bowling birthday party on Saturday.  He was having so much fun he didn't want to leave.  He's growing up so well- he waited his turn to bowl and knew when it was his turn, which kind of amazed me since I can't even pay that kind of attention to when it's my turn! 

I love this picture- he was so proud of himself!

After we got home we carved our pumpkins.  He thought they smelled disgusting, which I have to agree, they do.  We let him try to cut with the pumpkin knives, which he quickly gave up at since the pumpkins were so thick and hard to cut, so daddy helped him.  He wanted it to look like Frankenstein and told Rory it wasn't scary enough. haha  So far we've had to light them up each night so he can look at them, and then he blows out the candles before he heads to bed.


Smiling with Mommy's, his, and Daddy's jack-o-lanterns

Sunday night he was cracking me up by sticking things under his shirt and telling me it's his baby brother.  What a goof ball! 
There's a monkey in there!

This week I have a babyshower given to me by my coworkers on Tuesday, another doctor appointment on Thursday and Sunday is another birthday party for one of Ronin's buddies.  Always busy!  Maybe Quinn will come soon so I can skip out on some of those things ;)   Ronin is worried his baby brother will come during Halloween and he won't get to trick or treat... I keep reassuring him that no matter what someone will take him trick or treating.  At least he has his priorities in order ;)

Lots of love,

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