Monday, November 7, 2011

It's the final countdown...


After I drew a face on Ronin's banana peel he says "Mommy, don't throw the peel away- because he's my friend!"

After making a turkey out of foam stickers he says "you can throw my banana peel friend away now, the Turkey is my new friend."

Last week was uneventful.  Doctor appointment on Wednesday, not much progress except he dropped a little bit.  My blood pressure is rising, I lost 3 lbs, and I have protein in my urine... which pretty much means my body is ready to evict it's little guest!  Just something to keep an eye on, but we are so close to the due date there's not much to do about any of it.  At our next appointment we are supposed to discuss getting an induction if he's late.  Little turkey doesn't want to come out I guess!

I took Thursday off to relax with Ronin.  Which really isn't that relaxing when he's bossing me around.  We bounced on the yoga ball for a while and he thought it was funny that we were trying to bounce his baby brother out.  We went to Gustav's for lunch so I could finally have my bowl of fondue... yumm...  Ronin had noodles.  Best lunch ever :)   but all it really did was give me heartburn.

Cute picture of the week -- Ronin, Madeline & Sean

The weekend was pretty uneventful as well...  just waiting for some kind of sign that the baby is coming... but nothing...

Here's my big 'ol 39 week pregnant belly:
Hopefully this week!!  

Lots of love,

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