Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kindergarten Clown and Kittens

Ronin graduated Kindergarten last Friday!  We had a little get together for his neighborhood friends and barbecued some burgers and dogs.  He is very excited to be a first grader now and keeps asking when he gets to go back to school.
Beginning and end of school season :)

Nice face (ignore the September date- I goofed up)

Being goofy

Quinny really enjoys having people over

Quinn trying to push Sean down

Picking on William

My children bite.
Brandee stole my phone... so here she is.

Shelley after brain surgery

Quinny really likes Roberts truck.
Ronin's teacher sent out an email with pictures from the school year.  It looks like he made a lot of friends there.

The usual suspects

Miss Henley and Ronin

Last Saturday we went to Goldendale for a family barbecue at Nana and Papa's.  We got to bring Alesha with us, which she might be regretting now that she had to endure an incredible car ride back with the two in the back causing all kinds of chaos and NOT sleeping!

Two trouble makers hiding under the table with their stash of cookies, carrots, celery and chips...

Noah and Alesha playing a game...

They caught the kittens!

Alesha loves the animals

On Sunday we went to Costco because I wanted to look at kids books and Ronin wanted to eat the samples.  We found some "I can read!" books to help with his reading.  I started a "penny jar" that the boys get to earn pennies in until it's filled up. Once we get it filled we get to go to Chuck-E-Cheese.  Ronin is excited to read his own books for pennies...  He did a pretty good job with the words he's familiar with and sounded out or skipped the other words.  Quinn got a lift-the-flap farm book and hasn't ripped the flaps off yet...

Ronin reading his new books

Last Thursday I was sitting in the living room talking to Madison, when Quinn came running in saying "I found a spider!" I didn't look at him when he came in and just assumed he saw a spider outside and got excited about it.  Well then he walked up to me, and he had a daddy long legs between his fingers!  I noticed it only had about 4 or 5 of it's 8 legs before I jumped up screaming and ran into the backyard, where he followed me laughing the whole way.  ew.  boys are ew.

And what week wouldn't be complete without a coffee picture?! 
My boss bought me one on Monday :) yay!  Maybe I should start taking pictures of my breakfasts someone makes me too...  ;)

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