Monday, June 2, 2014

Goldendale, Stonehenge, and a Coffe Cup

Oops I have a few weeks to catch up on... 
This is Larry Mauke.  He's about to retire from the PUD as a Facilities Superintendent.  Robert and I got him this cup because it describes his last days of work until he retires... haha
Larry and his cup
Robert all dressed up for his interview for Larry Mauke's job!  How cute is he?!

These are the baby chickens that are turning super ugly :(

Roberts children came over one night to pet the bunny and entertain me...
This is Madison being Batman-bunny.

Damen is not impressed with our toy gun arsenal.

We got to visit Nana and Papa in Goldendale! The boys were very excited to go for a visit, Quinn was most concerned about Kiera for some reason.  Every time I'd tell them "we're going to Nana and Papa's this weekend!" he would say "With Kiera, right?!"  I suppose he didn't want her being left out.  At least they didn't ask to bring the bunny.
Tina and Quinn

Ronin and Pebbles

Aw! Nana, Papa and the boys

Tractors are cool

They really wanted me to take their picture here for some reason.
On our way home we stopped at Stonehenge.  The boys thought it was pretty cool running through all the stones but also really cold and windy.

Roning in a tree at Stonehenge

Quinn riding the tree

The view from Stonehenge.

Ronin took my picture trying to scale the walls.

Us at Stonehenge

Ronin trying to copy mommy and scale the walls.

The boys are goofy. Quinn asked if I was ready to meet Jesus while we were shopping. It was a little disturbing when he asked in a creepy voice... Haha 
Another blog should be up shortly, since I skipped so many weekends.  Summer is almost here and I'm sure we'll be doing more - Quinn really wants to go back to the Ape Caves already.  I keep telling him later this summer - but he has no concept of time or seasons yet. 
Lots of love,

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