Monday, June 16, 2014

Unicorn Poop and Hydrocephalus Walking

Another weekend flew by...  Just think, Christmas will be here in another 6 months. Nooo!
Someone posted on my FaceBook page a recipe for "unicorn poop" cookies thinking I am just the person to want to make something so inappropriate with my children.  Well they were right.  We made them, although I cheated and bought pre-made sugar cookie dough because that's the kind of lazy I am.  The boys helped me make the first tray of cookies, and then quickly lost interest and played in the yard instead.  So I was left to roll the poop myself.  The cookies seemed to have a weird summoning effect for neighbor kids though... like a dog-whistle for dogs.  The neighbor children (I'd like to call them something other than children since they are more like our pets at this point- they are always over and waiting to be fed).  The neighborhood children-pets piled in and were full of sugary-goodness in no-time.  Well, just in time to send them back home to their parental units for the night at least.

On Tuesday I was having an angsty day -- dreading the summer schedule coming up... It seems so unfair that I have to go 5 whole weeks without seeing my own children.  Quinny is still practically a baby, I should have kept breastfeeding him so nobody could take him away!  But ew.  So anyway my friend Kim was also having a rough week so I took time off of work, kidnapped Alesha and we all three had a sunny lunch on the river at Who Song and Larry's.  It was much-needed and I love spending time with the girls.  :)  Alesha even got a virgin margarita.

Alesha with her margarita
My friend Kim

Quinn and I enjoying the front porch - I was teaching him duck-lips in case he gets a facebook account and needs to make a selfie.

Quinn chilling with the stupid cat.

More selfies with Quinn - Where is Ronin you might ask? 
He's playing with the neighbor-children-pets.

One night Ronin had a headache and Quinn wouldn't let him go to sleep - he was too busy trying to annoy Ronin by singing and talking really loud.  So Ronin came into my room and we were talking for a while in my bed.  Soon after, Quinn came in with his blanket covering his head "what are you guys doing?"  So I let them sleep with me that night.  :)
This is how they looked when I got up.

Ronin went to his last day of Lego Camp last week.  He really loved it and kept saying that he wants to do it again.  I need to look into getting cooler Lego sets so he can build movable Lego contraptions.

Ronin and his Lego creation.
Last week we had fire extinguisher training at work.  It's the third time I have taken it but it's pretty fun since you get to use fire extinguishers on a big pot of fire!   I also cut my knuckle trying to pull the pin out :(  so poor me!

Look!  I'm like a real fire-woman!
Quinn and Axl
On Saturday we did a 2-mile walk for Hydrocephalus.  My friend Shelley has this disease and it requires a shunt in her head to regulate the spinal fluid.  She's had 12 surgeries in the last 20 years I think...  two of those were within the last month :(   The boys did well except Quinn had me carry him much of the way, and my friend Brandee carried him for quite a while too.  I'm not sure what's wrong with HIS legs, but I guess we'll have to get him out walking more so he doesn't wimp out on me next time!

He was SUPER grumpy that morning - he stole my coffee - I thought it might help.

Sean, Quinn and Ronin on the walk

Brandee and Quinny :)

Ronin was super grumpy here because I wouldn't let him play on the play set that was nowhere near the end of the walk... I told him someone would kidnap him and put him in their basement if he didn't keep walking.

Quinny loved baby Clara- most of the time he was petting her.

Quinn eating a hot dog.

Still grumpy...
Quinn Dancing!
Photo booth
Mandy, baby Clara, Quinn looking at baby Clara, Me, Rachel, Shelley, and Brandee

They got balloon animals! yay!

Sean and Quinn

When we got home, the boys disappeared for a few minutes and then came out with capes on buzzing around the kitchen chasing me -  funny boys.

Super guys
On Sunday the boys went with their dad for Fathers Day.  I invited myself over to Roberts to spend the day with him and his crazy and extremely entertaining offspring. He made my favorite: tri-tip steak...  drool...  It's the best meat ever.  yum...    It's pretty obvious where Quinny gets his food-motivation from, right?!   Also, Robert says his daughters ideas have become worse since I started hanging out with them.  Some people might take that as an insult, I don't, I take that as a compliment.  Hey, a really terrible idea is better than no ideas at all.  I bet some of the best inventions came from terrible ideas!  and if not, at least bad ideas are entertaining to talk about and plan out.  Although my tin-foil volcano I built with Madison was a pretty bad idea.  Sorry Madison.  Next time we'll do paper mache...  and food coloring instead of paprika... 
So anyway... Ronin's last week of school is this week.  We are having a "Kindergarten Graduation" for him Thursday.  Which I thought was a good idea, but even my super-star kindergartner was like "why am I graduating Kindergarten?  isn't that for high-schoolers?"  The logic is strong with this one...  I was just excited that he's moving on to 1st grade - can't a mother have a graduation every year they don't get held behind?!  When Quinny finally decides he wants to get toilet trained you better believe I'm going to have a Potty Party!
Lots of love,

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