Thursday, July 3, 2014

Milkshakes & Puddles

It's almost the weekend and I'm starting to miss my boys more and more.  I hope they are having a blast and don't miss me too much.  It's strange having a quiet house and nobody telling me to get them food or juice.  Kiera even got a walk in this week.

Last week I wanted to take the boys to dinner and had a coupon for Boppin' Bo's malt shop.  We had burgers and milkshakes, it was an old 50's diner and the boys loved it.  Actually I kind of loved it too, yum... ice cream!

Ronins milkshake - strawberry

Quinny opted for the banana milkshake (which I liked the best too)

Their food came in old cars

Quinny got the classic pink one

Ronin posing with a bug on the fence post cap
Last Sunday we went to Lewisville Park to enjoy the nice weather and get out of the house.  We found a slug, and lots of mud puddles.  Ronin asked if we can go back sometime and I promised him it would be our park and we can go back a lot.  I love that place.
Ronin at the playground

My little swinger

I thought one of them would fall in for sure

Our picnic lunch

Along our little "hike"


Quinny pushing Ronin around

boys and mud

After work one day my friend Kim and I made red-white and blue tutu's for the holiday.  I made Kiera wear mine. She didn't hate it, but didn't really like it either...

Patriotic dog
 My friend Deborah had "craft night" one night and we all sat out in the mosquito infested woods of her parents property making 4th of July lanterns.  It was a lot of fun and I got to bring Alesha and Madison with me. :)

Brandee and Byrekka

Madison, me and Alesha with our lanterns

Brandee and her lantern

Madison being a goof

Alesha, Madison and me
Other than hanging out with Robert and his kids and visiting with friends, not a lot is going on.  I can't wait to pick up the boys on Sunday and hug them :)  The free concerts in the park start up again next week for the summer - I'm sure we'll be doing a lot of those.  I might take the boys to the Lineman's Rodeo this month too - I've never been and I heard there are some fun kid activities to do there.  Next month is Portland to Coast, which I'm kind of looking forward to but kind of dreading at the same time... it's a lot of work being stuck in a van with sweaty women while being tired and cranky. 
That's about it for now!
Lots of love,

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