Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Summer is here!

Summer is officially here!  and it's hot :(  the boys don't seem to mind since we have A/C in the house and a kiddy pool and spinkler in the backyard.  Lucky boys. 
Ronins family picture of us- we have lightbulbs above our heads because we all have an idea.
We went to the river on Saturday to cool off and enjoy the sand and water.  Ronin loves the wave runner and Quinn just loves playing in the sand and running into the water - he's very brave because the river water is still super cold.  He doesn't seem to notice.  My little Tonka boy.
Ronin on the wave runner with daddy

Ronin and mommy

Self Photo :)

Our garden is doing well, it's hard to keep up with how much water it needs, but we have some veggies growing!  :)  Rory even has an apple growing on one of his new apple trees.

The boys and the garden :)

Quinny in the fort

Ronin has a bigger gap- he lost tooth #2 Sunday night!

He loves the castle in the backyard

Addicted to coffee cups...
We don't let him drink coffee, but for some reason he loves to ask for coffee and drink out of them. 


Kiddy pool

Moments before he threw the hat in the lawn
Rory and I have been addicted to the HBO show called "Game of Thrones" lately.  A friend gave us the DVD's for season 1 and 2.  Awesome show!  We are almost done and Season 3 doesn't come out until next year!  So while we were watching more of our show I premade some decorations for a "Hello Kitty" cake I'm making this weekend for a little girls birthday.  :)

I have the 4th of July off and we are having friends over that evening to eat pizza and play some lawn games, should be a fun night :)  Our neighbors have been shooting off fireworks since they started selling them in the tents...  the dogs hate it.  Poor dogs.
Ronin's been playing Plants Vs. Zombies a lot lately, he calls it "Lance versus Zombies" though and says that Lance is the name of the guy who lives in the house, and who the zombies eat if the plants don't protect him. 
Quinny picked up the words "dang it" and I can hear him sometimes in his room saying "dang it!" while playing... I'm not sure if he knows what it means or not...  but it's pretty funny to hear.   He was also given a "treasure box" by daddy with some things in it like rocks and a watch and mardi gras beads.  Every night before bed he likes to sit down and look in his treasure box, he says "treasures?! treasures?"  it's so cute!  But now he ripped the lid off the box so it's just an open box...   He's too strong!  He's still pinching and scratching.  When Ronin is in trouble and I'm raising my voice to him Quinn likes to try to protect him by coming over to me to scratch or pinch me!  I think they'll be good buddies...  they play a lot together already, unless one of them takes something the other one wants. haha
More adventures to come...
Happy Fourth of July!

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