Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cow Bell & Camping

More CowBell!
At work my new boss asked my coworkers and I to play some instruments while she played the guitar to sing happy birthday to some of the ladies at work.  I told her I'd only play the cowbell, which she didn't have.  But luckily one of my friends at work had a cowbell at his desk!  So I got to play the cowbell for the happy birthday song and I'm waiting for my super-star-dom to begin once the video hits the internet... ;)
My first try at growing dahlia's seems to be successful!  Look how pretty she is!
And here's Quinny being silly in the fort...
Smiles :)
This last weekend we got to go camping for the first time this summer :)  We went all the way to Swift Reservoir by Mt. St. Helens.  It was so nice!  The weather was perfectly warm all day and night, and no mosquitos!  The boys had a blast.  Quinn latched on to Ally, one of the girls camping with us, she's 8 years old and Quinn stuck by her like glue most of the time. 
On the way back from the bathrooms.  Holding Madeline and Ally's hands.  Happy guy!
Colby stuck a peanut up his nose - Quinn is not impressed...

Aw, cute guy!

Attitude boy

He went to a tree to eat his Cheetoh (notice it on the ground) and play with a barbie (notice he's holding her by her hair)

He kept stealing one of my shoes to go walk in the water...

With Mandy, picking mommy flowers :)

Here Mom I brought you this!

Ronin got to Kayak with Ally's boat and her dad while we were there - he did great!

Dirty faced boy

Ronin and Ally roasting/eating marshmallows

Us ladies - Laura, me and Mandy

The kiddos

When Quinny got tired he'd find Ally and ask her to pick him up.  I told her he probably weighs as much as she does and she said "Yeah, he's kind of chubby and fat"  haha!

In my cake class we made Gerber Daisy's, Sweet Peas, and Stephan*&^  I don't know that name of that last flower.... and we are working on Star Gazer Lillies... Next week is my last class so I'll have them all done... but here is a sweet pea!

Funny kids- I wish I could remember everything funny they tell me...  Quinny with his "hugga me!" and "hugga YOU!" when he wants to be held.  He likes to yell "SHUT IT!" whenever he hears a dog bark, not just our dogs, but any dog.  While we were camping he was in the tent trying to go to sleep and one of our friends, Colby, was talking and we heard Quinny yell "Shut it!".  Funny boy.  He started saying "I love you too" a few weeks ago when we say I Love You.  It's so sweet :)  and he gives the slobbery-est kisses.  :)
Ronin, every morning, makes me wake him up (if it's not pre-school day) when I leave to go to work- just so he can open the window in the living room and blow me kisses and tell me he loves me.  He gets really upset if I don't wake him before I leave, he will call me and tell me to come home at lunch so he can say goodbye out the window.  Funny boy.
What else is new....  Oh, Rory and I got new phones!  His broke after about the 7th time Quinn threw it on the tile floor and pieces went everywhere...  Mr. Destructo!  Mine worked okay but all the software was so outdated I couldn't use it for anything fun anymore.  New toys are fun!  This weekend is the Camas Days Parade - Ronin and I are going to be in a "float" for my work with other families handing out candy.  It should be lots of fun for Ronin, and I get credit for the hours I put in.  The Clark County Fair starts up the following weekend!  Summer will be over before we know it.
Everyone at home is healthy, safe and happy, it's a good time :)  
We hope Nana feels better soon though!
Lots of Love,

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