Monday, July 1, 2013

Ronin's got new wheels

A few weeks since my last blog entry...  Seems like time has slowed down a bit for us, thank goodness!  Our 6th anniversary was in June and we were able to take the day off from the kids to see a movie, have some food, and shop without little hands grabbing things and big mouths whining about other things.  It was nice :)
Rory is injured with his right foot, the doctors have been going between telling him it's gout and it's tendonitis... Either way he's been pretty crippled with pain so we've been playing a lot outside instead of going places lately.  One day Ronin decided to be a dog, so he got out his paper supplies, tape and scissors and made a clever dog disguise...
Ronin as a dog, he even had a tail and a collar :)
For fathers day we made daddy a nice big pancake and egg breakfast and baked yummy banana bread to celebrate.  Ronin wanted to make him something so I told him to make him a tie- the clever guy made one, and then made each of us pose with it on for a picture, he took all the pictures, except for his own.

Daddy and his tie

Ronin with the tie

Mommy with the tie

Quinny in the tie

The boys have been good.  Quinn got out of his crib once this week, Cheyla said he cried when he fell, but didn't hurt himelf too much.   Now it's all downhill... we'll have to get a bed for him which means he'll be coming into our bedroom asking for "cookies, cake, chocolate, milk" at all hours of the night... haha

Brothers :)

Axl shading instead of sunning...

Ronin got a bigger bike this last week.  We got it for $20 off of craigslist and fits him soo much better than his last one.  He can keep up with us with no problem now, and it even has spiderman on it.  He is one very happy kid :)

Riding around our street
We've been trying to pick a good color to repaint the house, the color I chose was called "Fishermans Wharf" and is similar to our current color but maybe 3 shades darker, you can't tell in the picture, but it's more green and less yellow than our current color.  We started with the shed and haven't started on the house yet.  It will probably take us all summer to get it done, but the house will look so much better once we do!

That's about it for now!
Lots of love,

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