Monday, February 25, 2013

Bark and Perry the Platypus

This weekend we had Sean spend the night and I had them make Perry the Platypus boxes (Perry is a character on one of their favorite cartoons)

The boys working on their "Perry"

The finished Perry the Platypus boxes :)

When the boys would leave Ronins room Quinn would run in and jump on the bed- he's so funny!

I think Quinn enjoyed trapping Ronin..

Caged boy

He likes to take my hat off my head...

On Sunday we were able to finish barkdusting our front area while Quinny was napping, it was a lot of work, but looks so much better!


And some how I managed to have enough energy to make some cake decorations for Ronin's mad scientist birthday party as well...

Eyeballs everywhere!  I'm going to add some slime to the cake when I make it too..

We are getting a new refrigerator (stainless steel!) on Thursday.  A friend at work asked if I knew anyone that had a refrigerator his son could have since he's moving into his first house... I ran the idea by Rory and decided it was a good time to get a new fridge and help someone out at the same time.  So YAY new fridge!  That's also Ronin's birthday- I told him he's getting a fridge for his birthday and he was upset because he wants toys instead. haha    Exciting 5th birthday this week!  and a new fridge!  I still haven't heard anything about the job I applied for... I'm hoping to find out soon though!  Maybe today?   So STILL wish me luck and think good thoughts!!

Lot's of love!

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