Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Murder and Spaghetti

Happy (almost) Valentines day!

Last weekend we had a "Murdery Mystery" dinner with some of our friends.  I didn't read ahead to find out who the murderer was or how the characters played out, so it was quite funny when we found out Rory's character- the Mexican drifter/farmhand "Enrique Graves" just happened to be sleeping with 3 of the characters and growing pot.  It was sooo funny as the story unfolded - that's why he's posing in the picture like he's "hot". ha ha!  I was the victim, the widowed owner of a grape vineyard...  Fun times!

Our friends :)

Quinny has been a busy little bee - I can not seem to keep up with his messes as fast as he makes them.  Either that or he is always asking "up, up, UP!"  Some new words he's learned are "MINE!", "out", "wa-wa", "night-night", "bite" sounds like "butt"...   Lately when I ask if he went "poo-poo" he'll walk me to his changing table and wait for me to pick him up to change him!  Maybe he'll want to potty train early?!?  He has a favorite blanket now too, it's white with blue stars on it that says "Thank Heaven for Little Boys" around the edge... I think it might have been Ronin's when he was a baby, but now Quinn drags it all through the house saying "night-night".  He'll even go get it when I tell him "go get your blankey".  He's understanding a lot of simple instructions and picking up on a lot more than I realize.  He also likes to play keep-away with dishes when I'm taking them out of the dishwasher or clothes when I'm folding laundry.  Quite the prankster.

Quinny on Ronins exercise bike

Trying to hide from me...

Wanting to go "out!"  also probably about to play in the dog water...

Ronin has had his 3rd headache/vomiting spell in the last month and a half... I took him to the doctor last week and she and I both think it might be related to dehydration... but she wants me to keep a journal of when it happens and what's happening around the same time.  On Monday night he didn't have a headache before going to bed, but woke up around midnight running to the bathroom to puke.  I felt so bad for him :(  He does seem to do better when he's drinking more liquids... but I really doubt he's dehydrated to the point of headaches and puking that often :(  So we'll just keep an eye on it and if it persists his doctor will send him to a neurologist to figure out the headaches.

I took Tuesday off to make sure Ronin drank enough water and felt better.  Around lunch we were bored so we went to the mall for some fun :)
Puppies! at the mall

Quinny making a friend in the mall's play area

See, he obviously feels just fine!


Cutie :)

When we got home Quinn had spaghetti and Ronin ate his left overs... I think Quinn had WAY more fun though...

Ronin trying to show me how much fun HIS food is...

We still haven't put anything IN our greenhouse yet, but we have a ton of seeds and soil ready to go!  Ronin got a tiny strawberry pot with seeds from Target for $1...  I hope it grows for him!

Not a whole lot going on.  Next week Ronin gets to have a filling put in his tooth.  I hope that goes well... He doesn't know he's going to get a shot in the gums... I think it's better not to warn him. Maybe?!

Wish him luck!

Lots of love,

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