Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Barkdust and... Cross Your Fingers!

Last weekend was a 3-day weekend for Presidents Day, which was nice to have!  Friday night I made a Justin Bieber cake for an 8 year old girl for some extra cash.  I just laminated pictures of him and decorated the cake girly...

Ronin said it looks like Justin has a headache.  haha!

We had a couple of friends over on Saturday to visit and on Sunday I took the boys on a 2 hour-tour of IKEA...  that place is so huge I feel like I should have a GPS so I can find my way out again!  We ate lunch there and Ronin and I got cute decorative lanterns for cheap.  On Monday we decided to do yard work, ordered bark "nuggets" and put down weed guard all along the front of the fence where the trees are, it is looking REALLY good.   Our next project, once the weather gets nice, is to paint our house dark green with white trim...

House BEFORE bark nuggets...


After bark!

I am having fun preparing for Ronin's 5th birthday party, I made Mad Scientist name badges for each of his friends:
I think they turned out pretty cute :)

Quinny got stuck in the drawer... He wanted me to get him out. haha!

Today (Wednesday) I had my interview for my bosses job as Office Supervisor.  I think the interview went well, but there are 6 other candidates who are also qualified so keep your fingers crossed for me!  We should find out more by the end of the week... there could be a second interview, or they might just decide on a candidate without second interviews...  I am really hoping for the job, but if it doesn't happen then I will be fine staying where I am.  I pulled my job bid from the Purchasing job, as it wasn't more money and it wouldn't have given me as much freedom as I have in my current job.  My bosses job would be ideal!

Ronin goes to the dentist today to have a tooth filled...  I hope it is relatively painless for him or he'll never forgive me!  This weekend his friend Sean is going to spend the night while his parents go to a concert.   And next Thursday is Ronin's BIG 5th Birthday!  We are taking the day off so we can spoil him with our attention while Quinn is at home with Cheyla.  The boys got to visit the daycare on Monday that they'll begin going to in March.  Quinn was amazed by the playdoh and other children.  I think he'll do fine for a couple of months.  Ronin is super excited to start pre-kindergarten, he already made friends and didn't want to leave after our hour of "visiting" the daycare was up.

Quinn is repeating words we say all the time.  I even got him to point to his nose, which he thinks is hilarious, and his eyes too.  He loves bath night, when I say "okay, let's get a bath!" he runs to the bathroom door trying to open it and yells "BATH!!".  He also sniffs and bites his favorite blanket now... I washed it over the weekend and it must be even tastier and smellier because he's constantly sniffing/biting it. haha

Ronin told us the other day that he's glad we are still alive.  I couldn't help but laugh at that- he must think we are REALLY old.  haha  

That's about it!

Lots of Love,

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