Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Party like a 5 year old...

Whew!  We made it through Ronin's 5th birthday -- 3 days worth of celebrating!  He had a great time at each event and he even told me "Thank you mommy, I'm so lucky to have you guys as my parents"  :)  aw!

On Thursday we had some special time with just Ronin while Quinn stayed home with Cheyla.  We went bowling and played arcade games at Crossley Lanes... We painted our own ceramic cups at Earth, Fire and Glaze (which should be ready on Thursday of this week!).  We even got to go to lunch with Grandma Jan at Shari's where our waitress sang Happy Birthday to him and gave him a free piece of pie :)
Ronin bowling

A clip of him bowling...

and the bowling dance...

On Saturday we got to meet up with grandparents and uncles/aunts at Rockies Pizza!  YUM and so worth the drive :)

My Birthday Boy :)

Mustache Ladies!

Blowing out his candle...

Quinny smooshing his cupcake before eating it...

Daddy and birthday boy!

On SUNDAY he had his kids-party, which was, to say the least, exhausting.  It was a success though and the kids all had fun!  We started by sucking a hard-boiled egg inside a glass bottle, then the kids made play-doh volcano's over a glass baby food jar so we could fill it with volcanic ash (baking soda) and lava (orange colored vinegar)... lastly we made lava lamps by filling water bottles with colored water, vegetable oil and dropping alka-seltzer tablets in to make the colors bubble to the top.

Ronin's birthday cake

Getting ready for his party

MAD Science!

Doing the egg in the jar experiment...

Making their volcanoes...

Pouring the vinegar into his volcano...

The whole gang of MAD Scientists!

Blowing out the candles!


Ice Cream!

Busy little scientists!

The kids all played hard and even went outside to swing and play in the fort, it was pretty awesome seeing that all 4 of them fit in Ronin's fort and they loved it!

About an hour after all his little guests left, he could be found passed out on the floor with his new "Cuddle-Uppet"...

We were all so exhausted that we decided to ask for Monday off as well... so we bought and watched E.T., ate left over pizza and just relaxed on Monday :)

Quinn likes to find Ronin and sit in his lap :)

Other than all of THAT excitment we haven't had time for much else... We worked a little more on the front yard- the flowerbed by the front door.  And Quinn LOVES going outside and screams bloody murder if he points and says "OUT" and we don't let him go outside.  Unfortunately when he does go outside he winds up falling, tripping, banging his head and lip on something...  Still working on that balance when facing uneven surfaces I guess!  He tries to help mommy by bringing the little kid rake to me and trying to rake up bark or leaves.  :) 

Ronin got a bean-bag chair from us and Quinn wants one so badly now, it's too cute how he climbs onto the chair and tries to push his big brother off.  haha 
Hope you enjoyed the pictures :)  I have a whole year before I need to plan and create that mess again ;)

Lots of love,

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