Monday, November 26, 2012

Mule Deer Thanksgiving

We had a great time up at the Mule-Deer lodge for Thanksgiving last week!   Rory's sister, Melanie and her family were up visiting so we got to spend a lot of time together.  The boys LOVED the lodge.  Ronin loved the snow so much we had to tell him to come in to get warmed up each time he went out.  And Quinn loved all the room there was to walk around - he got quite a bit of practice and is now toddling everywhere- and he's fast!

Quinn walking away...

Quinn walking towards me...

We had a great time playing Monopoly, watching movies, playing with the kids, eating (a LOT of eating), baking cookies...  I wish we had our own cabin in the mountains that we could escape to!  Ronin was pretty heart broken after he woke up the second morning and most of the snow had melted... I really thought it would snow over night too.  Poor guy.  And Quinn ate and ate and ate, mostly all he did was eat... and sleep... and walk.   So here are some pictures from our long weekend:

Ronin and some snow...

Ronin throwing snowballs at me!

Quinny didn't like the snow too much...

Cousin Nick and Ronin

The same bear from 3 years ago :)

Quinny and the bear :)

Smiles :)

Grandma Jan tickling Quinn

Us girls making a Brooke sammich!

Some writing under the table...

Uncle Guy playing with Ronin

Quinny eating, again... and visiting with Aunt Melanie

Playing in the snow

Grandpa playing with the boys

Us girls again

Melanie and her boys

Ronin with food in his mouth, and the "basket" behind Rory looks like it on his head...

Aunt Melanie and our boys

Mega Block building with Nick

Rory and me

Wiggle-worm and me

Unhappy boy :(

Brothers :)

Ronin has a very frightened look on his face...

a group shot, minus Brad and Brooke...

Mr. Bear

I just bought tickets to the Polar Express for me and the boys to go on Sunday the 16th...  Shelley and Sean are going to come with us too.  It should be fun! 

Enjoy and take care,

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