Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unicorns and walking babies

Quinny had his 12 month doctor appointment last Friday.  He's in the 95th percentile for height!  the 70th percentile for weight and head circumference...   He's a tank!  
Quinn giving himself his own exam

He's been keeping his glasses on a lot more lately and he's decided to start walking a lot more!  He's leaving his safety zones like the couch and walking from one object to the next without holding on, he's so proud of himself!

A short video of a little bit of walking...

Saturday was a rainy day so Ronin and I did some crafts for Chirstmas and made lots of cookies.  Sunday we went to Mike and Shelley's for dinner - Quinn walked to Shelley twice and snatched my cookie out of my hand a few times.   We call him the little "hulk" because when he gets mad his face turns red and he makes fists and shakes and growls at us- it's pretty funny to watch!

On Friday I got to break away to see the final Twilight movie with my girlfiends.  Shelley surprised me with a unicorn pillow pet!  I kept joking that I've wanted the unicorn pillow-pet for years, and she gave it to me for my birthday :)

My ereader, papasan chair and pillow pet - this is my "mommy time" place.

Ronin found a pair of panty hose and this is his "thug" face

Some random cuteness:
High-fiving himself

Taped up glasses

Trying to eat with a fork ;)

Ronin talking instead of eating...

bath time


what a face!

He was running away from me here ;)

this was after Quinn tried biting Ronin...

Now this week/weekend we are off to the mountain to do some sledding and snowman building!  Ronin has been asking every day "is it the day we get to go to the snow?"  I sure hope it dumps a bunch on us just for him!   :)   

Happy Thanksgiving!

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