Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween morning Ronin went with daddy to his work to "trick or treat" the residents for a couple of hours.  I got to do his makeup before I left for work:

Vampire boy

We had a contest at my work for the best pumpkin, dessert and chili... I entered the dessert and pumpkin contest... I won 3rd place for my jack-o-lantern - I named him "Peter-Peter Human Eater"
I put dry ice in his mouth to make him smokey...

And I won 1st place for the dessert competition!  I entered my "Don't call me 'Punkin' Cheesecake Trifles"
First place :)

They were cash prizes so I got $40 all together- yay!  That night we took the boys trick or treating.  Quinny put his puppy outfit on but wouldn't sit still for any good pictures...
Puppy Quinn

Ready to go Trick or Treating!

This is what Quinny did while Ronin rang door bells...

Ronin so proud of his bucket of candy :)

Last weekend we took the boys to get their hair cut at a salon.  This was Quinn's first REAL haircut.  He was so wiggly that she asked if he could have a sucker to help him stay still.  He, of course, LOVED it and stayed really still for her.  He was even laughing at one point!  He looks so darn cute!

Quinn in my lap getting his haircut and enjoying a sucker :)

Look how cute he is with his glasses and new haircut!

Ronin had his friend Sean spend the night so we could take them to see the cartoon "ParaNorman" it was about a boy who could talk to ghosts and had to save the town from zombies.  It was about as scary as Scooby-Doo, but after the movie both boys said it was a little scary. haha  Cheyla came over to watch Quinn while we did the movie and then she stayed to help me make decorations for Quinn's birthday cake. 
The decorations... just wait until you see them on the cake!

The boys waiting for the movie - haha!

We also had a little time to do a quick family photo shoot while Shelley was dropping off Sean...

Not entirely sure what Ronin is doing here!! Most of the pictures had him doing weird arm gestures...

Another odd arm gesture brought to you by Ronin, our clown ;)

Just us

Aw, Cheyla and me :)

Pretty cute:)

and some pre-haircut pictures:

he loves this chair...

Ronin and Sean being silly

That's about it for this week...  Next is Quinn's 1st birthday :) yay!

Lots of love,

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