Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Creepy Mermaids

Last weekend was a very productive one around the house.  Rory put up a shelf for our electronics in the living room to keep the kiddo's from touching wires/machines.  He also put in the child-proof clips for the kitchen cabinets and drawers.  And I painted the hallway walls tan and green. 

New paint!

Saturday night we were up so late working on things that we just let Ronin stay up too and we all wound up watching a show on the Discovery Channel about humanoids and how scientists believe a group of early humans took off to the ocean and became a different type of mammal...  They showed recreations of the mermaid-people and I said "aw, look Ronin, it's a mermaid!" and he said "Those are some CREEPY mermaids..."   The show showed how one mermaid-man sacrificed himself to a shark to let the rest of his family escape and Ronin commented "I'd never do that - just let something eat me so you and daddy could get away"  haha   Good to know...

Quinn's costume came in the mail on Saturday, he's going to be a puppy!
Puppy Quinn

We carved our Pumpkins too!   We have a pumpkin Carving Contest on Wednesday at my work that I'm going to enter them in. Mine is the huge one with teeth.  Ronin carved his by himself!  Rory's is the bumpy one with the tongue.  Quinn's is in the house still with Mr. Potato Head parts...
Family of pumpkins.

Last week we celebrated my birthday (early) and a couple of the other ladies birthdays.  It was a bacon-themed celebration per my request.  It was so yummy!  Maple bars with bacon...  bacon wrapped little smokies... yum!  Here are the other two birthday girls:

Fran, ME, and Crystal (#2)

Next is Halloween! yay!


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