Monday, August 6, 2012

Mum-Mum's and Sunshine

Summer is officially here!  No sunburns to report yet, but it's hot out there!  I'm ready for fall now.

Ronin got a new hat last week, I caved and bought him the cool hat he tried on a couple weeks ago, it's a skater hat and he loves it. He looks like such a big boy in it, and he likes to wear the bill to the side so he looks like a punk.  haha

Last week I took the boys to the concert in the park on Thursday, it was a Tom Petty tribute band.  They were pretty good!  Rory stayed home to rest since he'd been working overtime all week. 

Quinn wearing brothers hat and drinking his bottle at the park

Ronin and his buddy Sean at the park.

Here's a couple of pictures from 2 weekends ago at the boat house too:

Byrekka and us at the boat house

Ronin has been collecting rocks from the river for his rock tumbler

Quinn is finally eating a little finger food and loves those "Baby Mum-Mum" crackers.  He's been doing good, only a couple of times I've had to pat his back to keep him from choking...  it will be nice to feed him more of what we eat soon! 

Eating a "Baby Mum-Mum"

Quinn and Ronin have been taking baths together the last 2 nights and Quinn turns into a little spaz and starts splashing around and trying to tackle his brother, it's so funny and really hard to video tape since I have to keep pulling his head out of the water when he tries to eat the bubbles...

In the bath eating a Little People
Last weekend we had a karaoke party at Mike and Shelley's house.  We had a lot of fun but we've also discovered we are too old to stay out late or drink anymore.  My niece Cheyla stayed over to watch the boys while we went out.  Here's our "rockstar" karaoke night pics:

This is me

And the girls!

The Clark County fair starts this week, we are hoping to take the boys on Friday - unless it's 100 degrees again!  

With the hot weather we haven't been able to work on the fort again yet so it's still in limbo in the backyard... hoping to get to it soon though!

Take care and lots of love!

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