Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Portland to Coast & Goonies!

Portland to Coast came and went.  I have a huge blister the size of a half-dollar on my left heel, and the top of my right foot is so bruised I can't wear flipflops or wrap it.   BUT it was worth it, I had a lot of fun with my friends and the walking wasn't too bad.   My first leg ended in St. Helens (before the fire started at Les Schwab!) around noon, it was mostly uphill for the 5.25 miles - at the end I saw Terri Bequette!  She keeps saying it's her last year of Portland to Coast... but she keeps coming back!

My second leg was at 2am for 5.5 miles and ended in Astoria... but it was pitch black with forest on both sides of the road.  It was so scary!  I'd see another walker once in a while, but either she/he would pass me and be gone within minutes or I'd pass him/her and not see anyone else for another 20 minutes.  My friend Brandee walked it with me so I wouldn't be all alone, but even then it was still scary!

Our team on "decorating" night
Brandee and me with "Zucchini Jen" named after a friend who wasn't able to do the walk with us.
Me by my "magnet" on the van
ew... we saw a lot of these in the 31 hours...
Putting reflective stickers on our butts...
Me getting ready for my first leg
At the finish line, someone was taking the beers for a walk...
Our team "The Rack Pack" at the finish line!
Rory took care of the boys while I was doing the walk- he did a good job and they showed up around 1pm to see me at the beach.  The boys got to play in the sand for a while. Quinny even took off on his own "journey" crawling through the sand as far as he could and then ate some sand and came back.
Ronin made a friend at the beach
Yay Ocean!
Embarrassing hat to keep his ears warm - check!
Quinny starting his crawling quest...
Bye guys!
Taking a break...
Digging together...
and his return trip...
Waiting to eat a hot meal in Astoria!
Ronins pet lobster...
On our way out of Astoria I got to see the GOONIES house! yay! Ronin was nice enough to get his picture with me :)
The Goonies House
On Sunday I took the boys to the park to swing :)
Pushing little brother
He loves to swing with the wind in his hair ;)
Ronin fell asleep butt-up on the couch one night... hehe
Ronin's rocks after they are all polished.
I tried to put Quinn in Ronin's first halloween outfit... he didn't want to be a dragon :(
That's about it for pictures this week... Rory is working on the siding and roof to Ronin's fort this week and then we are on vacation next week, a road trip to Ashland, Oregon!  Leaving Monday coming home Friday or Saturday - should be fun! 
Lots of love,
Quinn now has 6 teeth!  4 on top, 2 on the bottom! 


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