Monday, July 30, 2012

Journey & Foam

This last week we went to the "Journey Tribute" concert in the park on Thursday.  It was a lot of fun and I got to eat a nutella crepe - yum!  Ronin met up with Sean and they played in the water fountains and got balloon swords.  Quinn cried with big Mike looked at him but was mostly content just chilling with the adults.

Listening to "Journey"

Ronin comforting Quinn after Mike made him cry

Chasing Sean

Having fun in the park

Saturday was the Foam 5K event that I signed up for with my friend Deborah.  It's 3+ miles of jogging/walking with obtacles thrown in the mix.  There was the "electric crawl" where we have to crawl through mud underneath electric wire- which was actually electrified, I thought they were joking until my back touched one of the cords!  There were walls to climb.  Foam pits to go through without falling in hidden holes.  Tires to run through. Lots of mud to walk through without falling.  Ropes to pull ourselves over muddy walls... some slip-n-slides.  It was a mess and we wound up walking most of it because the field was so bumpy we didn't want to twist an ankle. 

Me and Deborah before the mud

Saying goodbye while I'm still clean...

Ronin got foamed!

Quinny smiling :)

After the mud & foam

At least I have a clean shirt on...

Ronin conquered some rocks! Rarr!

After the foam run we went to the river and got cooled off with a boat ride and Ronin got to play in the sand a bit too.  Sunday we got a rock tumbler for all the cool rocks Ronin and Rory keep finding on the beach, and we also found a doughnut shop by our house... Dot Doughnuts.  But they aren't very good...  Krispy Kreme is still the best.

This week daddy and Ronin are building the fort in the backyard!  Knowing Rory it will be pretty amazing and long enough that we could actually sleep in it.. not that I'd want to... but it's a nice touch.  So look for updates on Fort Ronin!  We want to make a zipline go to a 2nd fort, Fort Quinn, someday too.  Fun projects!

This week we have a Tom Petty tribute band in the park on thursday, swimming at the gym a couple of days, and then a Karaoke party at our friends house on Saturday...  lots of fun things going on.

Here's a picture the race photographer took of Rory and me at the Lacamas lake run 2 weekends ago:

Next event for me is the Portland to Coast in August... Looking forward to that one!

Take care and lots of love,

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