Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sicky Quinny & Aphie the Robot Mom

I bought a new stroller off of Craigslist last weekend, it has a spot for Quinn and then a little "shelf" for Ronin to sit or stand on behind him so he doesn't get tired and beg to be carried.  So Saturday as we were waiting for the sun to come out and warm up the day we walked with it to Target and stopped at the park on the way back, where we got rained on a little bit...  I thought it was supposed to be nice that day!  It was, but not until like 3 that evening...
Daddy and Quinn swinging
Oreos and swinging..
Crawling through the tube
Cute brothers :)
After the weekend Quinn seemed to get whatever virus Rory and I had the week before.  On Monday he had a fever around 101 so we took him to the doctor, who told us it was a virus and there was something going around.  Poor guy didn't feel better until this morning, 3 days later!  So far Ronin has avoided it, thankfully.
Ronin spent the night at his Grandma Jan and Grandpa Rod's house Monday night and on Tuesday he came back in a ripe mood from no napping.  All he wanted to do was watch Scooby Doo and I told him that he had to wait until later that night.  He threw a tantrum and told me (again) that he's going to run away and find a new family.  So I sent him to his room.  He came back out a little bit later and presented me with an oatmeal container with a golfball taped to the top and said "here's your NEW son" and then went back into his room.  A moment later I went into his room to talk to him, and he showed me Alphie his talking robot and said "this is my NEW mommy".  haha   I told him I hoped Alphie knew how to make pancakes. 
I signed Ronin up for a "Fun Run" for kids on September 23rd.  I don't think he has to run far, but for $10 he gets to run, gets a tshirt and a medal - he's pretty excited about it.  I told him he can dress up as a super hero for the run because the theme is "Heroes for Hope" for the Childrens Cancer cause... he told me he doesn't need to dress up as a superhero because he's already cool enough.  haha
We had an employee appreciation barbecue at work on Wednesday to celebrate our 5th year in a row of receiving the JD power award, here's me with my friends Bill, Jason and Deborah:
This weekend is the Portland to Coast weekend!!  I'm super excited but a little sad to be leaving the boys at home :(  I will miss them terribly!  They are supposed to come meet me at the beach though!
Take care and wish me good luck!

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