Thursday, August 16, 2012

Fair and Hair

This last week was the Clark County Fair.  I had the "pleasure" of working it for two 4-hour shifts last week.  The first shift was in the "environmental" booth, where I let kids make a salmon-safe stream with sand and trees and logs.  The second shift is where I handed out cups of ice-water with 3 other co-workers.  At one point we were bored enough to "owl" on a stool:

This is me "owling"

Friday night Rory, Cheyla and the boys came at the end of my shift so we could go play!  We watched the "tough trucks" and ate lots of food and eventually Ronin got to ride some rides and play games.  He won one of the HUGE stuffed animals by throwing rings around the rubber ducks in the water!  I've never seen anyone actually win one!  He's very proud of himself.

His HUGE dog prize

Cheyla holding Quinny at the "tough trucks"

One of the trucks tipped over- yay!

Quinny at the fair

Visiting the baby piglets!

Fishing for prizes

Piloting a plane

Riding a motorcycle

Winning a hammer

Over the weekend Nana came to visit everyone.  We went to the Farmers market and picked up fresh green beans and a lavendar plant.  The next day we had a feast of green beans and chicken and dumplings. yumm!  Ronin got a new spiderman that shoots webs from Nana and Quinny got a cool steering wheel toy too!  They were very spoiled and love there Nana lots :)  Ronin showed Nana his book of monsters than he drew... at least 3 times.  He's become a very talented monster-draw-er.  :)

Quinn and his binky

Ronin has been fascinated with catching grasshoppers lately too.  We make him let them loose at the end of the day, but he claims they love him and they don't want to leave since they sit on his hand when he lets them go before jumping off... I think it's because they have a concussion from all the shaking their cage gets while he's toting them everywhere...

Ronin- the grasshopper whisperer

And... Wednesday evening I came home to see that Ronin grabbed his safety scissors and cut his own hair:

We had to hold him down kicking and screaming to shave the rest of it off.  He was not happy with us.  But he was also grounded from scissors and TV after that...

Quinny loves bathtime, he's so anxious he can't wait for the tub to be ready, and here he's watching brother take a bath and wants in too!

Quinny wanted to get in the tub with brother

Nothing too exciting planned this weekend - just to survive the heat... and next weekend is my Portland to Coast marathon - yay!

Lots of love,

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