Monday, July 2, 2012

MRI Results and Corn

Today I logged onto my Kaiser account and got a message from the pediactric office with Quinn's MRI results.  It said everything looks completely normal!  Which is great news!  Now we can breathe easy and just expect the eye rotation/head bobbing to go away on it's on in the next couple of years.  :)

Thursday was the MRI and I must say OHSU took such great care of Quinn- and us for that matter.  They made the whole process super easy and painless.  The tops of Quinn's hands and feet were numb before they put the IV in, he didn't even know they did it when they put it in his foot.  He got to fall asleep in my arms, and wake up with us right there with him.  After a nap in the car he was back to his old self again.

Ronin is now sporting a conservative mohawk after his recent "daddy" haircut.  It looks pretty cute, although it also makes him look like he's got a little attitude, which he does.  haha

We went to Rib City last night and the waiter said "nobody can finish a whole piece of the velvet cake by themselves" and Rory took that as a challenge, and ate the whole thing.  The waiter made a makeshift "medal" and brought it out to Rory:

Ronin has also been a busy little artist.  Someday he'll have to have his own art show for everyone to see!   There's the everyday fridge art of monsters or robots, but lately we let him paint on canvas and has two paintings hanging in his room of self painted robots (they totally look like Wall-E to me!)

He said this monster killed "hundreds of millions of people!" and yes, those are muscles.

Here's his canvas paintings - kind of hard to see in the picture, but they are robots!

I worked on weaning Quinny this last weekend, he has turned super clingy because of it.  Poor guy!  I feel bad, but at the same time I want my body back and freedom from having to pump at work or worry about where I'm going to be in 4-5 hours so I can nurse or pump... bah!  I have to keep telling myself 7 1/2 months is a fabulous amount of time!  But it still kills me to take something away from him...  mom guilt sucks!

Brothers playing

Ronin trying to read to Quinny

Quinny reading all by himself (haha)

Last night as we were getting ready for bed Ronin asked for a snack, usually he can have cheese or milk after he brushes his teeth as a snack, but he had like 4 slices of cheese already during the day so I told him to pick something else...  moments later he came to me with a can of corn and said "alright, I choose this"  haha   What kid wants to snack on corn before they go to bed?? That's right, my kid does... haha  Somehow he got distracted and didn't wind up needing to eat corn before bed and went to bed peacefully.

As far as home improvements go - Rory decided to redo our kitchen counters with tile, glass tiles as an accent on the edge and backsplash.  It looks great, and I'll get a picture when it's finished.

It's almost the 4th of July!  I only have to work 2 days this week so it will be a mini vacation for me and more time with the boys :)

Take care,

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