Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lacamas run and Zombie's

This last weekend Aunt Melanie and family were still up visiting.  Friday night Ronin's cousins, Nick and Tony spent the night at our house.  Ronin followed Nick around like a shadow and even started answering Nicks questions for him. 

Nick and Ronin

On our way home from saying goodbye to Melanie and her family, we were telling Ronin how if he doesn't have a seatbelt on he could die if we got into a car accident. His response was something along the lines of "that's okay, because I can just come back to life" and I told him "no, that would be zombie-ism".  Which of course he had an answer to:  "if I was a zombie I'd destroy my friend Sean and eat his brains!" hahaha  I'm so glad we have spent time educating him on the ways of Zombies! 

We have also had to explain lately that he can't ask God for toys... 

On Sunday we woke up bright and early to do our 4-mile LaCamas Lake run!  It was amazing!  My favorite run so far!  We ran from the high school, down a hill, through a gravel trail inside a treed park, and then back up the hill.  I was so proud of myself, I jogged 3 out of the 4 miles - and wound up walking the last one since it was mostly up hill.  Rory even enjoyed it and said he might do it again next year.  It was a perfect morning for it, not too hot, no rain, no wind.  It makes me want to do more runs! Our friend Brandee and her boyfriend were there with us too.

Brandee and me before the run

Rory and I waiting to warm up before the run

Quinny says "mama" now!  He smiles and wiggles his body when he says it- he must know I love hearing it!  He's such a cutie :)   8 months old now!  Time is flying by!  Before I know it he'll be turning one!

Quinn cruising around in his walker

Happy boy in his walker

Saturday we spent most of the day at the boat house.  Ronins cousin Nick caught some squaw fish which Ronin proceeded to play with until he accidentally dropped one back into the water, which made that fish the luckiest fish in the river... haha

At the boat house - dreaming about going out with the big boys

Ronin and the two fish

Here's a couple more from a few weekends ago at the beach on the river...

Lots of love,

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