Monday, July 9, 2012

Independence and Beatles

We had a nice long 5 day weekend (only 4 days for daddy) for Independence day.  On the 4th I took the boys to the mall to get out of the house and have some ice cream while daddy was at work.

Quinn is getting faster at out running/crawling me now!  He speeds up if he knows I'm trying to catch him and then he giggles or screams depending on his mood - once I catch him!

Here's our little crawler:

The night of the 4th we bought a few small fireworks and let Ronin help us light them... after a while I was tired of lighting off those damn bees so I went back inside, but he loved watching the ones that went up in the sky from our neighbors around us.  Surprisingly enough Quinn slept through every bit of it!  When they stopped going off around midnight he woke up and wanted a bottle, but I'm amazed he slept through all the lound banging in the sky!

Us at the mall

Ronin dancing in the kitchen --
Check out the new glass "backsplash" Rory is working on in the kitchen though!

They love each other :)


Ronin and I being silly

Brotherly kisses

Smiley boy

The day after 4th of July we went to a free concert in the park at Esther Short Park, it was a Beatles tribute band.  We met up with Mike, Shelley and Sean, Byrekka, and Jan and Rod.  It was a lot of fun - the boys loved the music and everyone was in a great mood :)  There are a few more we want to go to this summer - and hey, FREE is a great price!

Ronin dancing to the Beatles in the park

Quinn enjoying the music too

Friday Rory worked on remodeling our kithen countertops with tile, it looks amazing!  He just needs to put the rest of the backsplash tiles up and it will be finished.  It looks like a lot of work but it will be well worth the effort!

Saturday we spent all day at the river.  It was a little hard to do with Quinn, he only got a 30 minute nap all day and wanted to eat the sand.  So on Sunday Quinny and I spent all day with my friend Byrekka while the boys had fun at the beach again.

Ronin is going through a "TAPE EVERYTHING!" phase right now, so we've had to put away all the tape so he doesn't get into it, or else he tapes everything he can get his hands on....  Well the other day he told me "If Curious George were my mom - he'd let me play with tape".   haha!  He's probably right. 

Another week of sunshine and then off to the beach for Rory's family reunion at Seaside... 

Lot of love,

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