Monday, June 25, 2012

Lava Tubes & Frog Hunting

The last couple of weeks have been pretty uneventful.  Just working on house projects and entertaining the kids.  Quinny is successfully crawling EVERYWHERE now.  Not on his hands and knees, but dragging his legs behind him-- he rocks back and forth when he's on his hands and knees like he knows he can do it but just can't muster the courage to try...  He's way more interested in standing and holding onto things right now too.  I am betting he'll be walking before he's a year old.

This last weekend we decided to get out of the house and look for a pet frog for Ronin.  We headed up north to see what we could find.  Our old hiking road seemed to be washed out because we wound up by the Ape caves instead.  Without a flashlight. So we just wondered around the lava tubes above ground.  They are pretty cool!

On our way to the lava tubes ready to catch a frog!

Mommy exploring a lava tube - Ronin took this picture!

Ronin in the same lava tube

A family photo in the woods :)

Ronin going down the ladder to a lava tube

The bottom of the ladder... looking into the tube you have to crawl thru to get to the other side

I'm not claustrophobic- but crawling through this scares the crap out of me!  Apparently there's one spot you can stand up in the middle of the tube, but the whole "trip" is about half the length of a football field.

This is the "exit" for that lava tube.

Next time we'll have to remember our flashlights and actually go through the ape cave though!  But it was a fun little adventure for the day.  We didn't see any frogs for Ronin to catch. We did see a pretty blue moth in the outhouse though...  and Kiera chased a squirrel.

My friend Jody and her family from belgium came up for a visit this weekend too- it was nice seeing her and the boys played with Ronin and made a huge mess of the house but they had fun.  Jody's boys understand english, but are shy about speaking it back so at least they understood Ronin when they were playing.   I had warned Ronin before they came over that they don't speak the same words as he does, and he said "But everyone speaks my language!" haha

Our friend from High School, Alexis, even came over to visit with everyone, I haven't seen her since High School, it was nice to get to chat with everyone again :)

Me, Jody (and her son Beno), Alexis, and Tracy

Quinns MRI is this Thursday... Keep him in your prayers and thoughts and keep your fingers crossed that the whole day isn't too stressful for him. Poor guy. I feel the worst about not getting to feed him for several hours before the MRI... he loves to eat!

Well, eventually we'll catch that frog, and eventually Quinn's MRI will be done...  so until then take care and lots of love!


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