Monday, April 30, 2012

Two Teeth!

The last two weeks have went by in a flash!
  Quinn now has a second tooth, it came in 4 days after his first!  He's so cute with his toothy grins :)

You can kind of see the bottom two teeth...

Ronin, Quinn and I made it to the Farmers Market a couple of weekends ago, where Ronin had a hand-dipped corndog that he later told daddy was "so delicious". haha  It was a great weekend and I can't wait to go back again for another "delicious" corndog.


Quinn has also been practicing sitting up on his own!  He's growing up soo fast!  I think we were in a hurry to see Ronin reach all these milestones, and now that I realize it goes so quickly I want Quinn to slow down!
Praciticing his new sitting up skills.

We got to go to Lacamas lake a couple of times these last two weeks, neither time incited a fish though.  :(

We are going through some "sleep training" with Quinn to get him to lull himself to sleep without the need of nursing, crying or rocking to stay asleep.  It seems to be slowly working- last night he slept for almost 7 hours straight!  But Ronin is still having a hard time staying in his room all night, especially when Quinn does wake up and makes noise waking everyone else up.  Hopefully we'll all get into a good sleep routine sometime soon!  I'm so ready to sleep for a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep!  I feel like it's been at least a year since I've had that!

Ronin recently watched the first Indiana Jones movie, and when the man got his heart ripped out (I forgot about that part) he asked us to turn it off.  We did and I tried to explain that it was a fake heart, the guy is an actor and it's not real blood but catsup.  After a while he accepted that it was all fake (I think?) and the next day I asked him to go check on his baby brother and he replied with "I can't mom, I'm busy...  gee... I hope nobody's ripping his heart out!"  I think I burst out laughing when he said that!  Too funny!    And we were talking about how he can't sleep with us when he's an adult and how he'll have his own house and wife and he grew very worried and said that he doesn't ever want to move out and wants to live with us forever and doesn't want a wife but that he will sleep in his own bed all night when he's adult. haha!

Yesterday was the Home and Garden Idea Fair and I had to put in my 4 hours of volunteer time.  So I crawled into the trunk of our electric car just to see if I could fit.  And I do.

Lots of Love,

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