Monday, May 14, 2012

6 Months and iPhone happiness!

Quinn is now 6 months old!  He's wearing 9-12 month clothes, such a big boy!  I can't bring myself to wean him of nursing yet... he's such a cuddle-bug and I will miss having him so close :)  Maybe just one more month...

About to eat the ball

Two boys in a wagon

Ronin is such a good big brother :)

Cutie-pie - he wouldn't smile for me though!

Just chillin'

Not much has been going on around the house.  We went to the river a bit last weekend to enjoy the sunshine.  Ronin never wants to leave though...  Quinn started eating bananas last week, he thinks they are too sweet first thing in the morning, but once he warms up to them he seems to love them :)

On Mothers day Rory made us french toast for breakfast, we all went swimming at the gym, and then we came home and had Mike, Shelley and Sean over for a barbecue.  It was a nice day :)  I also got an iPhone for Mothers day!  I'm so in-love with my new phone!  It's the best gift :)   We got it from a used cell-phone store for fairly cheap and we switched our plan to a pay-as-you-go Tmobile plan with unlimited minutes/text and web so we could avoid the overage charges we were getting with Verizon, and it doesn't cost us $30 extra to have a "smart" phone...   So I'm super happy!

Ronin is doing awesome at swimming!  I was with him yesterday and he says "let's go underwater and wave at each other!"  So I did, and he did exactly that with a big smile on his face!  I'm so proud of him!  Once he got over his fear of water he seems a bit fearLESS now! 

So now summer has started and I suspect we'll be doing a lot more sun-roasting activities... My goal is to keep Quinn out of the sun- in the shade all summer to protect his fair little skin...  poor guy has my skin tone.  hehe

Lots of Love,

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