Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Tooth and Volcano's!

This last week was chocked full!  We joined the gym as a family so Ronin got to swim with daddy and go down the big slide, which he loved!  While mommy and Quinn ran on the track upstairs.  We are pretty excited that we can all go as a family and Ronin even got his first ID card!  On Sunday we all went to Battle Ground lake to go fishing and enjoy the weather.  It was recently stocked with fish but we didn't get a single bite.  The man at the end of the dock let Ronin reel in a small trout he had caught though- that was nice!

Quinn is 5 months old now!  And yesterday (4/17/12) his first tooth broke through!  It looks like the second one is close behind- I can't wait to see his toothy grins :)

This day he turned 5 months old

This one cracks me up- I'm trying to pull his lip down to see his tooth!

Yesterday Quinn had his eye appointment finally!  It took a while to dialate his eyes and then she did a quick eye exam with some lights and lenses and told me she didn't see anything to worry about.  All the causes that are associated with eye's that dart aren't there and she says he'll be just fine, his exam was 100% perfect and his vision seems perfect as well.  She doesn't want to see us back unless the pediatrician asks for another exam.  That was great news!  I was really worried something would affect his vision or he'd need surgery.  So it was a huge relief!! When I got home I gave Cheyla the day off and got Quinn to take a nap while Ronin and I made a valcano out of papermache - while he napped I dried it so he could paint it and we could make it "erupt".   He said I was a cool mom for doing that, aw!

Ronin asked me where fairies live, and I said I didn't know- maybe under mushrooms or in the clouds.  And later he asked me where Elmo lives - or where Sesame Street is.  I said I didn't know, he said he thinks Elmo lives above God and "The Scissor man".   The "scissor man" he's refering to is Edward Scissorhands. haha!    And while we were playing Mr. Potato head we decided to make Ms. Potato head too, and they went on a date- he said they had to kiss before they went on their date- I asked why, and he said so they know they are in love first. haha   And he even made a table for them to eat dinner at -- and then he served them leftover Mr. Potato head parts, which made me laugh and I said "ew, they are eating eyes and noses and lips!" and he said "no mom, it's food!" haha

and more pictures:

I love it when he makes this face!

More rice cereal... yummm...

Feeding his brother :)

He found a worm

Ronin's drawing of me!

Riding his bike :)

This week it's more fishing, swimming and then Sean comes over Friday night for a sleepover... I'm tired just thinking about it!

Lots of Love,

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