Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rainy days

This last week was ho-hum...  Daddy was sick with the flu for 2 days, and the babysitter was sick for 1 day... Luckily the kids and I didn't get any of the crud.  Over the weekend we worked on the cabinets some more -- it's the never ending project that I just want done! 

I borrowed our work camera and took some pictures of the kids just for fun :)   And we have an eye appointment for Quinny now - but not until the 17th, which seems like a long time to wait on something so important but apparently the eye doctor reviewed the pediatricians notes and didn't think it was urgent.   I hope she's right.

Nana is staying with us for half of the week to watch the kids while we go to work.  Ronin has been telling her stories like Daddy was born in a barn... haha  funny boy!

Easter is coming fast - we are going to an Easter egg hunt on Saturday at my work with Shelley and Sean, I hope one of the boys get a big prize!  Should be fun :)

The pictures:

Lot's of Love and Happy Easter!

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