Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Ready to go fishing!

This last weekend we stayed at a yurt on the mountain in Welches, Oregon.  We had a good time - the weekend went by quickly!  At night our heater wasn't keeping up with how cold it was outside though and we got pretty cold!  I tried to have Quinn sleep on me (the bed was too small to sleep by me) but then my arm fell asleep so I had to put him back in his bed and cover him with extra blankets.  Poor guy he kept waking up every 90 minutes to cuddle back to sleep.  That and he's been teething like crazy...  Not a happy camper!  Ronin had a blast swimming though.  There was a nice indoor swimming pool and we all went in, even Quinny. 

Such a fish!

First time in a pool

We've noticed Quinn's eyes have been doing something funny lately -- the iris gyrates or rocks back and forth in both eyes.  Luckily he had a doctors apt set up for yesterday (Monday) for his 4 month checkup so I was able to show the doctor and we are being refered to an opthamologist for testing.  There are lots of possiblities but one his doctor and I are hoping is that it's just a little spasm that he'll grow out of...  we'll find out soon though.  I pray everything is okay!  Other than that he got 2 shots and he's in the 75th percentile overall for head circumfrence/weight/ and height.  He weighs 15 lbs 11 oz as of yesterday.

His favorite stuffed animal- Mr. Frog.

Cutie Patootie

Happy boy!

Ronin outside of our yurt

My boy :)

Happy boy & mommy :)

Brothers in Ronin's "space ship"

The weather is getting nicer so Ronin got to play on his trampoline some more and help me plant some flowers - I can't wait for summer!  This weekend we are hoping to go to the beach and play a bit with cousin Angie and her family. :)

Rory heard somewhere that 40% of women with a 1 year-old baby or younger are angry at their husbands.  ha ha!  I told him that was true...  Poor guy!  But seriously- I need like 3 of me in order to get anything done at home!  Calgon!!! take me away!!!  ;)

Lots of love,

And I've added this groovy link for Welches, Oregon - where we rented a yurt and got to go swimming! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chrystal!
    My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
    I was looking for blogs about Welches to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you soon!
