Monday, February 27, 2012

Super Birthday Party

Last weekend was Ronin's super fun superhero 4th birthday party! I think everyone had a good time, minus the headaches some of the adults may have gotten ;) I know Ronin had a blast! I tried to get all the games, present opening, and cake done with within 2 hours... I think we did well.  We played "pin the emblem on the superhero", "disarm the bombs", and "superhero obstacle course".   The favorite with the kids was the obstacle course - they laughed when Rory did a practice run through to show them how it's done.  Ronin got some really great things from his generous friends and family.  His actual birthday isn't until Tuesday so he'll have to wait to open presents from us...  but he's been having fun playing with his bug-vaccum, many racing cars and the "goo" that came with his Scooby Doo toy.   We are watching the Phineas and Ferb movie tonight before bathtime.  He got a lot of great things!

Quinn slept through most of the party, what a good boy!  He seems pretty pooped tonight from all the excitment of being passed around at the end of the party.  The other day I was flying him over my head doing "super baby" and he barfed on my head, like an inch from my open mouth...  I was so lucky it wasn't in my mouth. haha  No more "super baby" right after meals.   We also noticed he's been watching us eating very intently and mimicking our chewing movements, so we gave him a few spoonfuls of rice cereal.  He seemed to really like it.  Ronin didn't eat anything besides formula until he was 6 months, but had no desire to either.  Quinn really wants to eat with us.  I figured that since we had to give Ronin rice cereal in his bottles as a baby to keep his acid reflux down, that it didn't hurt for Quinn to try some, although in my opinion it's kinda early!

Birthday boy


and some Quinn pictures!

Trying cereal...

Cutest baby in the whole world!

Quinn must be going through yet another growth spurt, he's suddenly needing tons more food - I can't keep up with the demand anymore and am trying to decide now much longer I can breastfeed before we switch completely to formula...  who knew breastfeeding was one of the hardest things to do!  It's so much easier to just pop a bottle in their mouth... but I love how cuddly and happy he is when I do and I feel like I'd be taking that away from him...   Argh!  Parenting = guilt.  non stop! haha   Well I love my boys and they are already growing up too fast so I will just go with the flow for now.  :)  

Quinn has been talking a ton (babble) and it's so cute how he talks with his eyes, you can tell if it's a silly story because his eyebrows will be up high and his voice is very sing songy- but when it's a serious story, his eyebrows narrow and his babble becomes very serious.  So cute!

Ronin got a trampoline for his birthday as well - we'll be setting that up sometime this week - get the boy out of the house now that Spring is here!   Although the weight limit is 110 pounds... sooo needless to say I won't be getting on it!  booh!

Another great week -- Lots of love!

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