Monday, February 20, 2012

I mustache you a question...

One of the final weeks of Ronin being a 3 year old... I swear sometimes I think he's turning 13... He's so smart and comes up with the best stories.  The other day we saw people riding horses on TV and I said "mommy used to do that all the time"  and he responded with "Oh, did they not have cars when you were little so you had to ride horses everywhere?"  which is normally a smartass comment we make to our parents at somepoint jabbing at their age -- but he actually realized that cars weren't around at some point and horses were used.  Smart boy!

Quinn is such a smiley boy!  Ronin smiled a lot too, but Quinn seems to really love being a baby.  Ronin never really bounced in his bouncer and hated his Johnny Jump Up - like he was in a hurry to NOT be a baby anymore.  But Quinn really enjoys all his baby toys and is always happy doing baby things.  One thing I'm really going to miss when I stop nursing is how Quinn will be almost finished nursing and he'll pause and turn to stare at me- and when I look down at him he gets the biggest smile and then acts all shy and burries his head down to finish nursing again.

Quinn excited to bounce!

Ronin jumping on the bed

Quinn a little freaked out about the brightness of daddy's camera.

Mustache from his birthday party supplies...

Funny boys :)

lots of love,

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