Monday, February 13, 2012

Quinn meets the common cold

Poor Dr. Coconut got his first cold this last week from big brother, along with a nasty cough.  He saw his doctor and it's just a normal cold.  Poor guy!  We stayed home with him today (Monday) because he's so miserable and needs his mommy :)

It's been a very uneventful, if not just plain lazy, week and weekend, except for me going back to work... And now everyone is getting Ronin's cold.  I did manage to get Ronin's birthday invitations out with handmade superhero masks for each kid.  I also cut out thier initals from sparkly foam for their capes.  I still have a lot left to do...

Ronin has two of my horse trophy's on his shelf now.  I was going through storage and found a box of old trophy's- he stole them and put them in his room.  I told him someday he can earn his own trophy's, he said "no, I want these ones".  Way to aim high Ronin! haha

And now pictures of the week:

Tongue boy!

Googly eye boy

Lots of love til next week!

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