Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Too-too & Chum-chum

Ahhhh... maternity leave... or as my husband has called it "vacation"... is anything BUT a vacation!  I love my time off with the boys and treasure it- but the organized part of me is dying for routine and less chaos...   trying to apply organization and routine to a 3 1/2 year old and newborn feels like trying herd cats in a single direction.  I swear Quinn is always eating and then I am grounded to the couch for sometimes hours at a time.  I finally bought a pump so I can break away once in a while.  I don't know how other women do it with a toddler in the house!  Instead of peaceful and fulfilling, it's mostly stressful and painful.  I feel guilty for not spending more time with Ronin, but then I feel guilty for not enjoying just sitting down and feeding Quinn.  Again- chaos! ha!

We had a quiet Thanksgiving and spent it at our friends house.  Ronin got to play with his bff Sean all day and we had great food :)  It did take us about 2 hours to get everyone and everything ready to travel the 10 minutes it took to get to Mike & Shelleys!  It will get easier... this I know!

Turkey Day

Rory couldn't wait to get a Christmas tree so we got one from Thortons tree farm on Sunday.  It smells so good!  I only put plastic ornaments up this year... getting tired of sweeping up glass from the tile floor.

Thorton's tree farm

Our camera on a tripod picture

Ronin has been watching a new, disgusting, cartoon called "Fanboy & Chum Chum"-- but he keeps calling it "Too-too & Chum Chum".  Thus the title of the post ;)  He's having problems coming up with a good Santa letter because he keeps telling me to write "Dear Santa, please bring me all these toys..."  We have to work on his delivery. haha

Quinn is getting better at giving me a stretch of sleep at night, one night I got a five hour stretch of sleep- that was wonderful!  But then I woke up worried that something was wrong.  Guess he was just zonked too.  Ronin is having a hard time getting to sleep at night, I think we threw off his schedule a bit... but I'm trying to fix it by having him get up with me around 7 so he's tired by nap and bed time.

We made it to McDonalds playland yesterday and I promised him Chuck E Cheese on Wednesday.  We are going to visit my work on Thursday... gotta keep Ronin active or he'll just watch cartoons!

More photos:

Til next week,

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