Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Quinn makes his way into the world!

Quinn Lucas Jones
Born 11-11-11 @ 7:17am
9 lbs 2 oz
21" long

Quinn decided to make his appearance neither early nor late, but right on time!  Also the night of a full moon...  2 am I woke up to contractions 4 minutes apart.  Afraid I'd be one of "those" moms that go to the hospital with false labor so I waited and timed them for about 30 minutes before waking Rory to tell him it's time to go.  By the time we got to the hospital around 3am the contractions were around 90 seconds to 2 minutes apart... things were going quick and they were a little panicked that they couldn't get an IV in my arm.  They called the IV specialist, and informed me that I can't get an epidural until the IV was set and my blood tests came back clear.  They pushed me into a birthing room where the contractions got soooo much worse- I couldn't breath through them any longer, but moan and cry.  They finally got the IV in and then told me there was no time for an epidural because I was ready to push.  I remember crying for an epidural and telling them it's not too late and I didn't want to have a "natural" birth.  I wanted to slap the mid-wife when she said "I'm sorry, it's just too late you'll have to do it".  But then out of nowhere the epidural guy came and said my blood tests came back fine and he could give me a "super deluxe" epidural that would take effect quicker than the regular ones.   He was like an angel!  Somehow I managed to hold very still and breath through a couple contractions in order for him to administer the epidural, and practically instantly I was numb from the belly button down.   This slowed down labor a while because I wasn't pushing during contractions but letting the contractions move Quinn down on their own.  Finally the midwife said "let's try pushing".  I really couldn't tell if I was doing it right but I tried and after about 4 pushes he was out and in my arms :)  

Ronin is very excited about his baby brother and wants him to go everywhere with him.  He couldn't wait to show his friend, Sean, his baby brother.  He's very interested in everything we do for Quinn and wants to help whenever possible.   Such a good big brother!

Quinn is such a good baby.  He loves to look around at everything and everyone and cries when he's wet or hungry but otherwise doesn't seem fussy at all.  He is enjoying 2 hour long breakfast "buffets" at 3 am for some reason...  I just have to feed him almost twice as much at that hour. 

We had his follow-up appointment yesterday and found out he has a fractured clavicle from being born so big.  Poor guy!  I feel so bad but he doesn't seem to hurt or be bothered by it.  The pediatrician said the first day would be the most painful for him, but we are way past that so she said there's nothing we need to do or avoid doing because it will heal on it's own.

My birthday was the day we came home from the hospital.  Besides getting a new cute baby I also got a laptop with my birthday money - yay!  Rory and Ronin also made me the coolest jewelry holder for my necklaces.  (picture above)  I love it :)

So now Ronin and I are off for 12 weeks to take care of Quinn (and for me to heal- youch!).  I can't wait to see Quinn grow into his own person just like Ronin did.  Ronin can't wait to play with him.  Although very challenging- I'm so grateful for this time off with my two boys :)


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