Monday, November 21, 2011

God needs cheese

First week as a family of 4!  It's been a challenge but definitely a blessing having two sweet boys to care for and a helpful hubby all under one roof.  Rory and I have been using the midnight feedings to catch up on this season of "Walking Dead" and two seasons of "Dexter" on my new laptop.

Ronin asked this week if we could send God some cheese.  When asked why we needed to send God cheese he said because he will need to give Lucy her pills in the mushy cheese.  I told him Lucy doesn't need her pills anymore because she is all better now. He said if she's all better than she can come home now.   A few days ago he cried on Rory about missing her too.  Poor Ronin, he is always asking about Lucy and why she can't come home.  I feel so terrible seeing him so torn apart about his dog. Poor guy :(  Instead of getting a new dog - he got a baby brother I suppose...

Proud big brother

It's so strange how having a new baby makes our first baby suddenly seem much taller, older, heavier and smarter than he was before going to the hospital.  Ronin is no longer a baby- although he's been telling us as much for a while, we had always thought he would remain a baby...  How did he grow up over night?? It makes me sad but also proud of the character he's becoming.  He doesn't seem to be jealous of his baby brother at all- which is hard to believe.  He's still bossy and has his normal breakdowns but seems ok with the changes in the house.... so far anyway!

Little Quinn all stretched out

Quinn is such a happy baby.  He is always smiling when he's awake and in his sleep- I have even caught him chuckling in his sleep a few times :)  But when he's upset it's the saddest sound- he sounds like a little lamb crying... Such a sweet baby boy :)

Well it's Thanksgiving week - I hope everyone has a great holiday and be safe on Black Friday if you brave the crowds! 


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