Thursday, December 8, 2011

Face Paint and Ponies

Last weekend we successfully went to swim class with Quinn in toe- he just slept the whole time.  We also made it to Ronin's little friend, Peyton's pony birthday party.  I had to go inside to feed Quinn so I missed some of it- but when I came back out Ronin was smiling so big while riding the little white pony, Joy, all around.  I think he took the longest turn of anyone.  I was so happy to see him have such a good time even if the weather was freezing!

Swim class buddies- Peyton, Caden and Ronin

Ronin riding Joy

Ronin asked for a fly on one cheek and him hiding behind a tree on the other cheek.

Quinn and his big blue eyes

Sweet sleeper

Not a very exciting week, but soon we'll go see Santa (on the 17th).  Ronin has already guessed one of his presents- he asked if it was a book.  He's as bad as Rory!  He also told me not to buy him gifts because Santa will bring him gifts.  That was nice of him ;)

We are about to leave for a play date wih Ronins friend Trenton...  Have a great week and weekend!


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