Monday, September 12, 2011

Rabbits don't bark

The last 2 weeks have flown by...  Let's see...  Ronin got a huge bag of lincoln logs from a garage sale we went to a couple weekends ago.  This is very exciting since we could only build one house at a time with his first set.  Here he is smiling over his stash of logs...

He and daddy also tried camping in the yard that weekend since mommy didn't want to go camping while pregnant and needing several potty breaks during the night...  camping in the city isn't quite as peaceful though.  I guess they heard sirens and dogs howling all night and it got really cold so they were back in the house by 6am that morning.

Labor Day we got up early to go to Chuck E. Cheese while nobody else was there.  Ronin won 60+ tickets just doing a submarine game all by himself and got to pick out some prizes when it was time to leave.  We also went swimming in the river together that day... 

During the week he got to go to Oaks Park for the 2nd time with his babysitter Shelley, her son Sean, and my best friend Tracy.  He had a blast and I can't wait to go with him next year!

This week I was telling Ronin that summer is almost over and that fall is coming, the leaves would be changing, the weather would get colder and Halloween would be here soon.  He replied with "YAY, and THEN my baby brother will be here!"   He's so smart- he used to ask when his baby brother would be here and I would tell him not until after Halloween... and apparently he's made the connection and remembers that.  I didn't even think he was paying attention ;)

We did some crafts over the weekend, a stepping stone and some Halloween tombstones... he loves painting and creating things, such a little artist!

Nanna (my mom) is in town this week to watch Ronin while we are at work since Shelley is on vacation this week.  She made little Quinn his first quilt, it's soooo cute and the inside is really fuzzy and soft...  I love the silly owls, they are so cute!  Ronin loves it too but says it's for baby brother and he won't take it.  Which is a change since he keeps taking all the toys out of Quinns room.

A funny thing Ronin said this week... He has an "Alphie the Talking Robot" toy, and Alphie keeps asking you to learn or play with him a few times before shutting off.  We heard Ronin say "Be Quiet Alphie, I don't want to learn with you right now!"  ha ha!

He also told us he wished he had a rabbit instead of dogs because they don't bark.  He told Nanna that he has "marshmallow buns" the other day... that's my little pet name for his butt cheeks, apparently he thinks it fits him since he shared the information with Nanna.

Some weird Ronin-isms that haven't seemed to go away:  His fear of buttons.  He hates buttons on anything!  He refuses to wear pants or shirts that have buttons or anything resembling a button.  He won't even hug people if they have buttons!  He also hates wearing anything but "fuzzy pants".  Not sweat pants, but fleecey pants that are fuzzy both inside and on the outside.  I can manage to get shorts on him occasionally and sweatpants are still a fight but at least I can get them on him.  Jeans or overalls are absolutely out of the question.  He also has to have everything he drinks be warm... not cold and not hot, but warm.  "Can I have some warm grapejuice in a grapjuice cup who has a lid?" is a common saying we hear out of him. 

It's all kind of cute and for the most part doesn't seem to be harmful... of course 20 years from now we'll probably be on the news saying "we should have known..." while being interviewed about his extra-cirricular criminal activities... haha

Doctors appointment on Wednesday and ultrasound on the 23rd... pretty soon little Quinn will be making his way into these blogs :)

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